Mumbai Oxygen Supply News: Strict rules set up by team, BMC took care of Mumbai's breath, also got praise from Supreme Court

 Mumbai Oxygen Supply News: Strict rules set up by team, BMC took care of Mumbai's breath, also got praise from Supreme Court

IS Chahal has given strict instructions to the FDA and oxygen manufacturing companies and suppliers that there should be no reduction in 235 MT of oxygen supplied. Also, alternative arrangements have been made for the supply of oxygen in case of emergency.


The Supreme Court praised BMC's oxygen supply model in Mumbai and advised Delhi government

The credit of the Oxygen supply model in Mumbai goes to BMC Commissioner IS Chahal and his team.

BMC has issued guidelines for how oxygen will be supplied in hospitals in Mumbai.

Brijesh Tripathi / Pankaj Pandey, Mumbai

The Supreme Court has praised BMC's Oxigen supply model in Mumbai when there has been an outcry over Oxigen across the country to save the lives of Corona patients. To save the lives of patients in Delhi, it is recommended to adopt BMC model. The credit of the Oxygen supply model here goes to BMC Commissioner IS Chahal.


IS Chahal has given strict instructions to the FDA and oxygen manufacturing companies and suppliers that there should be no reduction in 235 MT of oxygen supplied. Also, alternative arrangements have been made for the supply of oxygen in case of emergency. BMC has issued guidelines for how oxygen will be supplied in hospitals.

Under this, oxygen is being supplied in hospitals uninterruptedly. Inox company supplies 130 metric tons and Linde company supplies 103 metric tons of oxygen. One day, after some technical problem in the Linde company, Chahal prepared a plan B for backup from Jindal company of Rayagada. However, it did not come because the supply became normal.


Commissioner decided on time:

When there was a shortage of oxygen in the country, Chahal handed over the command of availability of oxygen to hospitals to P. Velarasu, BMC's additional commissioner (project). A team of four BMC officers was formed under the leadership of Velarasu, who is coordinating with hospitals. Hospitals have also been instructed to inform BMC about the lack of oxygen.


The case of death due to lack of oxygen has not been reported in the worst affected Mumbai by Corona. On April 17, oxygen was over in many hospitals. The BMC team shifted 168 patients to another hospital overnight. At the same time, Oxygen was made available to the Hindu Sabha Hospital at Ghatkopar within an hour and a half.

Supply team led by IAS officer

In about 170 hospitals, 30 thousand beds are for corona patients. It supplies 235 metric tons of oxygen per day. Velrasu sees how much oxygen is needed in which hospital. How to supply Velarasu's team consists of Deputy Commissioner (Special) Sanjog Kabre, Chief Engineer Krishna Perekar, Executive Engineer Sanjay Shinde and Medical Officer Dr. Haridas Rathore.


This is also the arrangement

- 500 cubic meter oxygen capacity project started daily in Kasturba Hospital

 - In Jogeshwari's Trauma Center, 1,740 cubic oxygen is being done everyday before the year.

 - It has been decided to start 16 such projects in 12 hospitals in Mumbai.

 - This will provide 43 metric tons of oxygen per day to these hospitals.

 BMC Additional Commissioner Suresh Kakani said, 'BMC has made every preparations to deal with Corona. Not only oxygen, ventilator beds and medicines have also never been lacking in Mumbai. The Supreme Court praised our model, it is a matter of concern for the whole of Mumbai.

 What did the Supreme Court say?

The Central Government's application on the issue of oxygen crisis was heard in the Supreme Court on Wednesday. The Supreme Court has suggested to the Delhi government that the Mumbai model should be adopted for oxygen supply. The court said, "BMC in Mumbai has done a good job for the management of Oxigen. He is being praised. What they are doing, how they are doing business, we can learn from them. However, we are not insulting Delhi.


Oxygen supply chain in Mumbai

- BSM Commissioner IS Chahal formed a team under the leadership of Additional Commissioner (Project) P. Velarasu

- The names of corona hospitals and oxygen suppliers, dura, jumbo and small cylinders available in every hospital, shared with BMC's departmental control room and FDA control room

- Instructing hospitals to ask for oxygen 24 hours before the supplier

Notice to departmental control room if oxygen is not received within 16 hours of request

- The control room officials make the cylinders available immediately to those hospitals.

- Oxygen plants were also set up in some hospitals in Mumbai.

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